About Leslie Staven

Through the work within the class of Literature and Literacy for Children, I have expanded my knowledge of some fine children's literature, teaching methods and developed a deeper passion for children's literature. Through this blog, I hope that others will learn about teaching strategies, specific works of literature they with which they were unfamiliar and feel the spark which they can carry to ignite the interest of reading in a child.


Some of the teaching strategies we discussed in class include

THE POWER CONTINUUM (click here for more information)

PREDICTABLE BOOKS (click here for more information)

LITERATURE CIRCLES (click here for more information)

CHORAL READINGS - Choral readings provide a great opportunity for full-class participation and are encouraging to struggling readers to participate.    Watch the following video to enjoy second graders using choral reading (Joyful Noise, by  Paul Fleischman) and combining it with science reports!

READER'S THEATER - Students are given the opportunity to take the literature and, with dramatic readings, costumes and creativity, bring it to life in the Reader's Theater.  

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